Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Today I watched “Strip The Cosmos” on the Science Channel where they showed an experiment made by Dr. Peter Schultz using a vertical gun at NASA’s Ames to simulate an asteroid strike on Earth. When they cut away the crater formed in experiment to represent the Chicxulub Crater found in Mexico, I saw something I have been looking at in my research of the Great Divide Basin Crater found in southern Wyoming and Utah. The cutaway shows the curved up to vertical structure that is clearly visible at Mitten Park Fault near the Wyoming, Colorado and Utah borders. I have always wondered what could have moved this rock into this shape and didn’t accept it as a fault. This cutaway image when compared with known images of the Mitten Park Fault is just another confirmation in my theory that a very large meteor struck the Earth in Wyoming, causing vast devastation to several states and possibly had major global impact as well. 

 Photo 1. Screenshot from Strip The Cosmos, “Killer Asteroid’s”.

Photo 2. Picture of the Mitten Park Fault in Utah.